Friday, October 29, 2010



It's Halloween and sadly my creativity went on vacation this month...without me!

Although I'm staying in this weekend, I'm doing one of my very favorite things - watching horror movies, cozy at home with my significant other. Tonight we're watching Woman Who Came Back (1945). See some amazing photos from the film on the marvelous The Obscure Hollow blog (and a couple below).

Woman Who Came Back (1945)
Woman Who Came Back (1945)

And I found my favorite Halloween image this year on @ LJ. It's cute and creepy, all at once!

Halloween in Norwich

Many thanks to Thanatos and The Obscure Hollow for providing my main Halloween (eye) candy this year!!!

1 comment:

  1. All the old (and other) spooky movies being run on all the channels almost made me want to be lazy and cozy and stay in as well. But I rallied and ended up having a fantastic time. Sometimes though it is just as lovely to stay in on a holiday and be cozy.
